Our Modulair Design Program

02 The basic functional elements of the hospital

03 Functional program of the pavilion style single story Hospital

04 Program of requirements for a 100 bed hospital

05 The same hospital functionality, but the single story hospital is converted into a 2 story building

06 The same hospital functionality, but the single story hospital is converted into a 2 story building

07 The functional plan can be converted into a building design

08 With the same functionality also a 3 story building can be contemplated

09 Again the same functional program, but in this example for a three story building

10 European style facades on the three story building

11 Schematic lay-out possibilities

12 Schematic 2 story, African style hospital, for 200 beds, put together with the modular elements

13 Example of an accident and emergency department for a 100 bed hospital in a modular set-up

14 The Imaging center

15 The surgical suite, with two operating theatres

16 Modular Intensive Care Unit and delivery suite

17 Example of an inpatient ward

18 Example of a 200 bed hospital, contemplated with the modular design principle

19 The same 200 bed hospital

20 A quadrant hospital for 400 beds, put together with the modular design principle